Sun 26 Jan
V.I.P SATuRdAYs‼️🔲🎃YoUR #1 HotSPOT‼️🔲🎃13255 Sw 137th Ave SUiTe 213‼️🔲🎃305 971 0230‼️🔲🎃NeW GIRLS🎃‼️🔲 - 21
(Miami, 13255 Sw 137 Ave #213 OpEN LaTE!🎃)
Sat 11 Jan
⬛️🔲⬛️◾️⬛️🔲 H I D D E N S E C R E T S⬛️🔲⬛️◾️⬛️🔲 (305) 971 0230⬛️◾️⬛️🔲⬛️◾️🔲⬛️13255 Sw 137 Ave #213⬛️◾️⬛️🔲⬛️◾️⬛️🔲 - 21
(Miami, ⬛️13255 Sw 137 Ave #213🔲(305)971-0230⬛️)
GRAND OPENING in the Kendall Area Today - Meet the New Girls at the Hottest Spot - 305-255-2220 - 22
(Miami, Close to Kendall and 137th Ave)
⬛️❤️⬛️NeW NeW NeW⬛️❤️⬛️KeNdALLs TRipLe ThReAT ⬛️❤️⬛️HiDDeN SeCrETS ⬛️❤️⬛️ 13255 Sw 137 Ave #213 ⬛️❤️⬛️(305)9710230 - 21
(Miami, ⬛️13255 Sw 137 Ave #213❤️(305)971-0230⬛️)
🔲🍒⬛️ NeW 🔲🍒◼️ NeW🔲🍒⬛️ NeW⬛️🍒🔲 NeW⬛️🍒🔲 NeW ⬛️🍒🔲 NeW⬛️🍒🔲 NeW🔲🍒⬛️ NeW🔲🍒⬛️ NeW🔲🍒⬛️ NeW🔲🍒⬛️ NeW 🔲🍒⬛️ - 21
(Miami, ⬛️13255 Sw 137 Ave #213🍒(305)971-0230⬛️)
Fri 10 Jan
⬛️❤️⬛️ TRiPLE ThE ThReAT ⬛️❤️⬛️ HIDDEN SECRETS⬛️❤️⬛️ NeW VixeNs ToDaY ⬛️❤️⬛️ (305)971-0230 ⬛️❤️⬛️ToCaMe TuEsDaY⬛️❤️ - 21
(Miami, ⬛️13255 Sw 137 Ave #213❤️(305)971-0230⬛️)
🔲🍒⬛️ NeW 🔲🍒◼️ NeW🔲🍒⬛️ NeW⬛️🍒🔲 NeW⬛️🍒🔲 NeW ⬛️🍒🔲 NeW⬛️🍒🔲 NeW🔲🍒⬛️ NeW🔲🍒⬛️ NeW🔲🍒⬛️ NeW🔲🍒⬛️ NeW 🔲🍒⬛️ - 21
(Miami, ⬛️13255 Sw 137 Ave #213 🍒(305)971-0230🔲)
⬛️❤️⬛️NeW NeW NeW⬛️❤️⬛️KeNdALLs TRipLe ThReAT ⬛️❤️⬛️HiDDeN SeCrETS ⬛️❤️⬛️ 13255 Sw 137 Ave #213 ⬛️❤️⬛️(305)9710230 - 21
(Miami, ⬛️13255 Sw 137 Ave #213❤️(305)971-0230⬛️)
DYNAMIC DUO @ Tamiami Airport. Not all Body Rubs are created the SAME. Check out our $59.99 Special - 23
(Miami, Kendall/137th - $59.99 Special)
◼️❄️🌀 LeTs Us WaRM YoU Up DaDDY❄️🌀◼️DonT MiSS OuT #1 ViXeNs◼️🌀❄️13255 Sw 137th Ave #213❄️🌀◼️305 971 0230❄️🌀◼️ - 21
(Miami, ◾️🌀➖➖Nuru Specials➖➖🌀◾️305 971 0230)
Thu 09 Jan
🔲🍒⬛️ NeW 🔲🍒◼️ NeW🔲🍒⬛️ NeW⬛️🍒🔲 NeW⬛️🍒🔲 NeW ⬛️🍒🔲 NeW⬛️🍒🔲 NeW🔲🍒⬛️ NeW🔲🍒⬛️ NeW🔲🍒⬛️ NeW🔲🍒⬛️ NeW 🔲🍒⬛️ - 21
(Miami, ⬛️13255 Sw 137 Ave #213 🍒(305)971-0230🔲)
🌐⚫️🌐 $ 200 DoLLARs🌐⚫️🌐 DuO SeSSiONS🌐⚫️🌐 DoUBLE TrOUBLE 🌐⚫️🌐 HiDDEN SECRETS 🌐⚫️🌐 305 971 0230 🌐⚫️🌐 VIP🌐⚫️🌐 - 23
(Miami, 🌐⚫️🌐 SpECiALs 🌐⚫️🌐 305 971 0230)
Wed 08 Jan
Sizziling Lexi -- Miami Hottest Body Rub Girl - - Experience the AMAZING TOUCH 2day - 23
(Miami, Kendall/137th Ave)
In the mood for fun? Brand New Touch Hot Bikini summer Body Rubs are your gift. Julie 305-300-3987 - 27
(Miami, Kendall/137th)
🌑💋💋 LiPSTiCK SESSi0NS💋💋 786-955-9571💋💋🌑 FuLL H0UR💋💋 FuLL C0NTACT💋💋🌑 FuLL NUdE🌑💋💋 786-955-9571🌑💋💋ViP - 23
(Miami, 💋13205 SW 137AV#232💋7869559571 WALK-IN💋)
Tue 07 Jan
⬛️❤️⬛️ NeW NeW NeW ⬛️❤️⬛️ KeNdALLs TRipLe ThReAT ⬛️❤️⬛️ HiDDeN SeCrETS⬛️❤️⬛️ 13255 Sw 137 Ave #213⬛️❤️⬛️(305)971023 - 21
(Miami, ⬛️13255 Sw 137 Ave #213❤️(305)9710230⬛️)
GRAND OPENING !!! Are you ready for a BODY WORK TOTAL RELAX you will not soon forget ?? - 23
(Miami, Kendall and 137th)
Ellie. Get your day started right with Miami's best RELAXATION 305-303-4315 - 24
(Miami, Kendall off 137th ave)
⬛️🔲⬛️ToCaME TuEsdaYs⬛️🔲⬛️TaKE iT OFF Papi⬛️🔲⬛️13255 Sw 137th Ave SUiTe 213⬛️🔲⬛️305 971 0230⬛️🔲⬛️#1 ViXEns⬛️🔲⬛️ - 21
(Miami, ⬛️🔲⬛️13255 Sw 137 Ave #213⬛️🔲⬛️)
Mon 06 Jan
⬛️🔲⬛️ TaNgiTa MoNdaYs ⬛️❤️⬛️13255 Sw 137th ave #213⬛️🔲◼️ HIDDEN SECRETS⬛️❤️⬛️(786) 344-7028 ⬛️❤️⬛️SeXY ViXEnS⬛️🔲⬛️ - 21
(Coconut Grove, Miami, ⬛️⬛️🔲⬛️🔲⬛️🔲🔲13255 Sw 137 Ave #213⬛️🔲⬛️🔲⬛)
⬛️🎴🎴🎴⬛️🔝 I N T E R N A T I O N A L⬛️🎴🎴🎴⬛️ M O D E L S ⬛️🎴🎴🎴⬛️ 305 971 0230 ⬛️🎴🎴🎴⬛️🔝 RATeD⬛️🎴🎴🎴⬛️5 StAR SeRViCE - 21
((305)9710230⬛️Specials Kendall Incall⬛️, Miami)
💋🌑💋KEEP C0MiN FRidAYS💋🌑💋$99 WAlk iNs 💋🌑💋 NUdE NuRu💋🌑💋13205 SW 137AV #232 💋🌑786 955 9571💋🌑💋0PEN N0W💋🌑 - 23
(Miami, 💋13205 SW 137AV #232💋7869559571 WALK IN)
In the mood for fun? Brand New Touch Hot Bikini summer Body Rubs are your gift. Ellie 305-303-4315 - 23
(Miami, 137th/Kendall)
Sun 05 Jan
⬛️❤️⬛️ NeW NeW NeW ⬛️❤️⬛️ KeNdALLs TRipLe ThReAT ⬛️❤️⬛️ HiDDeN SeCrETS⬛️❤️⬛️ 13255 Sw 137 Ave #213⬛️❤️⬛️(305)9710230 - 21
(Kendall, Miami, ⬛️13255 Sw 137 Ave #213❤️(305)9710230⬛️)
🌑💋💋 RED LiPS💋💋 BL0NDE AMBiTi0N💋💋🌑 $120Hr💋💋 FuLL C0NTACT💋💋🌑 FuLL NUdE🌑💋💋 786-955-9571🌑💋💋100% REAL🌑💋💋 - 23
(Miami, 💋13205 SW 137AV #232💋7869559571 REAL100%)
🔥💋🔥BESoS RiCoS PaRa Ti🔥💋🔥Deja PROBARTE🔥💋🔥Con Mi AMIGA🔥💋🔥Cubanas, Venezolanas, Argentinas🔥💋🔥Incall💋💋 - 23
(Miami, 💋13205 SW 137AV #232💋 786-641-9820)
⬛⬛🔴🔵🔴⬛⬛SEXY SpEciALs JuSt 4 U ⬛⬛🔴🔵🔴⬛⬛ HIGHLY SKillED LaTiN VixEnS⬛⬛🔴🔵🔴⬛⬛BODIES MADE FOR SINN⬛⬛🔴🔵🔴⬛⬛ - 19
(Miami, ⬛️➖🔴🔴🔴 (305) 971 0230 🔴🔴🔴➖⬛️)
Sat 04 Jan
Brand New This is a Once in a Lifetime Chance. New Girl Working near Tamiami Arpt. Samantha - 24
(Miami, Kendall/137th)
⬛️🔲⬛️ F✖️✖️✖️ ME FriDAYS⬛️❤️⬛️13255 Sw 137th ave #213⬛️🔲⬛️HIDDEN SECRETS⬛️❤️⬛️305 971 0230⬛️❤️⬛️SeXY ViXEnS⬛️🔲⬛️ - 21
(Miami, ⬛️13255 Sw 137 Ave #213❤️(305)971-0230⬛️)
Fri 03 Jan
Sexy Sandra. Great Exotic Body Rubs in the Kendall Area. Hottest Body Rub In Town - 23
(Miami, 137th and Kendall - 786-344-0523)
⬛️♦️⬛️CaNdELa⬛️♦️⬛️NaKeD WeDNesDaY⬛️♦️⬛️NeW RiDeS⬛️♦️⬛️ SpeCiaLs ⬛️♦️⬛️ (786) 344-7028 ⬛️♦️⬛️NeW⬛️♦️⬛️ - 22
(Kendall, Miami, ⬛️◾️⬛️13255 Sw 137 Ave Suite 213⬛️◾️◼️)
💋🌑💋 #1 ViP LATiNAS 💋🌑💋FuLL NUdE 💋🌑💋#1 T0URiST SP0T💋🌑💋13205 SW 137AV #232 💋🌑786 9559571💋🌑💋 0PEN D00RS - 23
(Miami, 💋13205 SW 137AV #232💋7869559571 9AM-LATE)
Thu 02 Jan
Kendall Kelly !! Brand New Touch !! Summer is almost over by my HEAT is just Starting. Kelly - 24
(Miami, Kendall and 137th Ave 786-294-5301)